A downloadable game

This game will be my submission to Florida Polytechnic University's 2020 Game Expo hosted on November 20th.

Created by Devin Ryan

Inspired by Brackeys

Polygon Run is a simplistic infinite runner and obstacle avoidance game. You control your choice of shape as you must avoid oncoming obstacles. 

There are currently 3 playable levels:

  1. Tutorial
    1. Gives instructions on how to play the game while introducing all of the main gameplay mechanics
  2. InfiniteBlockade

    1. Collect as many coins as you can
    2. Avoid the never ending onslaught of obstacles
    3. Destroy the blockades that stand in your way
    4. Don't fall off
  3. InfiniteDisorder
    1. Collect as many coins as you can
    2. Avoid the never ending onslaught of obstacles
    3. Try to maintain control as the world spirals around you
    4. Don't fall off


Move left: "A" & "Left Arrow Key"
Move right: "D" & "Right Arrow Key"
Jump: "Space Bar"
Fire projectiles: "W" & "Up Arrow Key"
Pause: "ESC"


PolygonRun.zip 24 MB

Development log